Articles by Gregory Garrett


Limits uploading, even though I have a Club Account. I put in a trouble ticket. Is anyone else having this issue?
Gregory Garrett


  • Things I've learned from having a heart attack

    - 11 years ago - 3 comments
    Here are just a few things that I believe I've learned from my recent heart attack. While I feel great (best I've felt in about ten years), I guess it's time I stop and reflect about what's just happened to me. Two weeks ago, I could have told you I was in perfect health and didn't take any medications. The fact is, you "are what you eat." I've been consuming greasy fast-food for probably close to 37 years now (since I left home in my early 20's), and it finally caught up with me. Watch y…

  • Just a recommendation...

    - 28 Nov 2013
    Did you know that Kodak invented the digital camera? And have you ever commented before that when you took a shot it was so great that you didn't have to do anything to it? Maybe you even said (as I have done before) that it was "straight out of camera." Here's some great educational info from Rick Simpson!

  • A Crazy American's Viewpoint...maybe

    - 16 Oct 2013 - 1 comment
    I'm amazed that almost everyone seems to have the opinion that his opinion is as good as anyone's opinion. So...are all opinions equal? Asked another way, is the crazy opinion of the village idiot, based on pure nonsense, equal to the opinion of a responsible, well-informed citizen- one who has thoroughly weighed all the facts before opening his mouth to share his well-thought-out position? In the name of "tolerance" are we to listen with eagerness to and embrace the idea of some crazy loon?…

  • Things you've forgotten...

    - 06 Oct 2013 - 1 comment
    Have you ever been to a family reunion, wedding, funeral, or some other social gathering where someone remembers you, and you can't remember ever meeting them at all? Recently, I met a nice couple at a 60th Anniversary Dinner for some friends. They were telling others around us all these wonderful things about me that they remembered from when I was in my early 20's. I know they weren't making things up, because their facts were straight. I just don't remember this specific couple at all. Grante…

  • Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!

    - 14 Sep 2013 - 4 comments
    Thank you, everyone, for your continued prayers for Mom. For those who don't know, my mom took suddenly ill late yesterday afternoon and evening, and by the time the ambulance arrived she was almost gone. BP dropped at one point to something like 56 over 23, which they tell me is not good at all. (Pardon me- I'm ignorant of these things, so I'm not really sure what I'm saying- I'm just repeating what I heard the medical personnel say.) It took three epinephrine shots over several hours and putti…

  • Reference Guide for Getting Started on Ipernity

    - 04 Sep 2013
    I just read a great article from Janet Brien entitled "Helpful Guide for Refugees From Flickr." There are several follow-up articles as well, but be sure to start with the above-mentioned resource. (and thanks Deborah Smith-Campbell for pointing me to this great resource on your pages!) May everyone have a great week, and a great weekend! :) Greg

  • Moving the rest of our photos from Flickr

    - 11 Aug 2013 - 1 comment
    Only a few weeks left and we'll have the rest of our photos and videos moved to Ipernity. The changes at Flickr are just too much for me to have to deal with on a long-term basis unless they make some drastic changes. I find Ipernity refreshing, and while I'm slightly disappointed that more people haven't moved over to Ipernity, whatever their reasons are, I know we're here to stay. Kristin will have a new account opening here in a few days, and I've talked some friends into giving Ipernity a…

  • The Miracle of Birth and the Joy of Grandparenting

    - 15 Jul 2013 - 1 comment
    Words can't describe the overflowing joy of seeing my new grandson for the first time. It was as if I were re-living the experience I had in seeing Kolton, my first grandson, for the first time. And if I live long enough (God willing), maybe I'll be able to witness the lives of my great-grandchildren as well, as my mom has had the priviledge of doing over the last several years. I'll leave the emotionally-charged fancy and descriptive words to the poets and those gifted in writing about su…

  • Problem solved!!! (It happened again... bought a 2-year Club Account and they turned off my uploading.)

    - 24 Jun 2013 - 1 comment
    For the second time after buying a 2-year Club Account, my uploading has been halted and I'm getting the message that I've reached my quota for uploads. As you know, Club Accounts come with unlimited uploads. The last time I turned in a trouble ticket and got a very quick, nice response saying it was a safety measure and that they had corrected it so I could upload again. Let's hope the response is as fast this time. I hope this isn't something I'm going to have to go through every month. I…

  • Returning home... at least I'm home temporarily

    - 13 Jun 2013
    I've placed Steve my assistant in Mobile (Alabama) so that I could return home early enough to be able to hopefully catch the birth of my new grandson during the next few weeks. Being on the road and working long hours means little photo time, but with Kristin and Kolton not around me, there's not that much to photograph, although I had hoped to go to the Pensacola and Mobile area beaches while I was there and get some photo time in. Not taking many new photographs has actually worked to my…

  • and the migration continues...

    - 05 Jun 2013
    transferring a few more of our photos each day. I'm still not quite 1/3 done, so I'll have to hustle to get the other 2/3 of the transfers completed. I'm still looking for a Ipernity transfer utility that will move entire albums. I'm told that's in the works. I can hardly wait!

  • Uploading problem solved!

    - 31 May 2013
    Thursday (05/30/13) I began getting an error message when I tried to upload saying that my quota limit for the month had been exceeded and I'd have to wait until the next month to be able to upload again. Since I have unlimited uploads I knew this didn't make sense. The staff responded quickly (thanks, Christian!) and I'm now able to upload again. I hope to have all 6+ years of photos moved over to Ipernity soon! Ipernity is awesome! :)

  • Just a tiny problem in paradise...

    - 31 May 2013
    I'm getting a "quota reached" message when I try to upload photos, although I bought a 2-year club membership. It says I have to wait another month before I can upload a photo. I'm sure this is a bug, as I've read and re-read the Club Membership benefits. I put in a trouble ticket, but haven't heard back from anyone yet. Is anyone else having this problem? I'm trying to transfer 6 years of Flickr photos over to here, so I'm hoping they get this bug fixed soon so I can begin posting new phot…

  • Slowly learning my way around...

    - 28 May 2013 - 1 comment
    Slowly learning my way around in what little spare time I can manage to find. Still, not even being very familiar with this interface, I'm able to get around better than I was in the "new and improved" F*ckr. (btw, whoever came up with that phrase "new and improved" was a moron. One implies it just came into being, and the other implies it's been around a while and has been improved upon. Something can't possibly be both "new" and "improved" at the same time.) Hoping for great days here.…